Showing all 7 results

  • Black Pepper

    Sri Lankan black pepper is renowned for its bold flavor and distinctive aroma. Grown in the lush tropical climate of Sri Lanka, this premium variety of black pepper is known for its robust spiciness and complex flavor profile.

  • Cinnamon

    Sri Lankan cinnamon, also known as “Ceylon cinnamon,” is esteemed for its delicate yet aromatic flavor and unique sweet fragrance. Harvested from the inner bark of the Cinnamomum verum tree, native to Sri Lanka, this premium variety of cinnamon is distinguished by its thin, fragile bark and light brown color.

  • Cloves

    Sri Lankan cloves are highly esteemed for their bold, aromatic flavor and distinctive aroma. Harvested from the flower buds of the Syzygium aromaticum tree, native to Sri Lanka, these cloves are renowned for their rich, warm taste with hints of sweetness and a slightly bitter undertone.

  • Nutmeg

    Sri Lankan nutmeg is renowned for its rich, warm flavor and aromatic fragrance. Harvested from the seeds of the Myristica fragrans tree, native to Sri Lanka, this spice is prized for its versatility and culinary appeal.

  • Tamarind

    Sri Lankan tamarind, known for its unique tartness and rich flavor, is derived from the fruit of the tamarind tree (Tamarindus indica), which is native to tropical regions including Sri Lanka. The fruit pods contain a tangy pulp that is prized for its culinary versatility and health benefits.

  • White Pepper

    Sri Lankan white pepper is esteemed for its mild yet distinctive flavor profile and versatile culinary applications. Derived from the same Piper nigrum plant as black pepper, white pepper undergoes a unique processing method that results in its characteristic pale color.

  • Whole Mace

    Whole mace from Sri Lanka is a prized spice renowned for its unique flavor, aroma, and culinary versatility. It is sourced from the aril or outer covering of the nutmeg seed, harvested from the Myristica fragrans tree native to Sri Lanka.